Statement on the Situation with Client Gus D….

Estimated Read Time: 35 minutes

Hi all. I would just like to take a minute and address the situation that was brought to the community a few minutes ago.

I agree with majority of what Gus had said. He contacted me. We agreed to rent him a condo for 6 months. He did send the deposit to me.

When I first started in real estate I always had the client send the money to the listing agent / property manager / owner directly. The problem is international transfers always seem to find a way of getting delayed. There are many here who are not patient. I had a client send a deposit via western union, with a tracking number. It was delayed. That agent called my client 2-3 times a day for over a week. Asking about it, when there was nothing the client could do. At that point I said enough of that. I will handle it and act like a buffer.

That has never been a problem until recently. And what had started as taking a headache of the client’s plate in the last month has turned into spending time chasing owner’s for deposits, and I will certainly be rethinking on how I handle that.

Gus mentions in his review that I told him “this is how it is done in Mexico” – yes, absolutely. When we agree to a deal, it is not a deal until the owner has either a wire confirmation or cash in hand. It is first one to the table. We as agents do not keep anything out of that. We do not hold commission, fees, taxes. Every peso we receive goes to the owner. Even if the owner is to turn around and hand us our commission right back. I believe he is in agreement that he was aware of that.

Up until the day Gus’s check in was. I had no inclination that anything was off. I had rented 2 other condos with this agent before, and never had a single issue. Clients arrived, got their keys. Checked out. Deposit was returned.

I had texted him the night before Gus was to check in to confirm the time with no response. Again – that is not abnormal. The next morning when I had not heard back I tried calling several times with no answer. Yes I was at the marathon early in the morning as Gus says. I was helping a friend / taking pictures. And yes, my phone was dying. I went to reach out to Gus and just let him know that I was starting to get a little nervous.

At the same time, I can’t count the times where I start to get nervous and in an hour that the listing agent was at church or out the night before and slept in. This was still early.

And when asked where his deposit was – I told him the owner supposedly has it. But yes, for sure – I told Gus that I would cover it out of my own pocket if something happened while we figured it out. All true.

But I was very clear that I did not have his deposit and that I was covering it out of my own pocket. To me that is a very big distinction as he is now claiming he had a contract with me (he had one with the owner) – and that I was not returning his deposit. Which I had only had for less than an hour.

In the end, I still don’t know what happened with the listing agent. It certainly appears like they took off and left us hanging. But I am withholding that name for now in case there was an accident, or something else. Did he need the money for medicine for his mom? I really don’t know. All interactions I had with him were professional and I got no bad feeling at all. I know there are families here in dire straights and the economy has caused many incident lately…. I am trying to think the best but it certainly doesn’t look that way. And we are out of a condo.

As I told Gus, yes. A majority of my income comes from my marketing company which I have processed in the US and I would need to make a transfer with the peso on the rise I had been holding USD in the US. I initiated the wire the next morning and sent Gus the confirmation which the bank had said the deposit should arrive Friday.

That is where this story turns… Even after I explained this to Gus and he was ok. When the deposit had not hit my bank by the day it said… The threats and harassment began. One morning I was walking my dog. In the 20 min that I was gone, at 9 something in the morning. I had 3 missed calls from Gus, a missed call from a coworker that he had called – an an email.

I had kept him updated the best I could. Anyone who uses international transfers knows it’s usually something delaying it. My bank was not showing anything but I pressed and they found out Wednesday that it was being held by my bank here as suspicious activity. They were going to try to get the document I needed to sign to me on Wednesday. But it had not been sent by Scotia. And Thursday was a bank holiday.

Friday morning. I was tied up and could not answer him right away as he demanded. Instead he infers that it has been an hour since he called and he can’t get ahold of me as I was ducking communication with him and running off. Before I got a chance to answer his text…. he came to my condo. Security later told me the wouldn’t give him access or information “because he seemed like he wanted to fight you”

Fortunately this doesn’t happen often. But the few times I have known that a fellow agent absconded with a deposit, it got reported to CAPTA and let them track down the individual and money.

I completely understand that Gus is frustrated and pissed – because I am too pissed. This guy left me standing there holding his mess – my reputation that I work hard for. But I made a mistake. I trusted the wrong person. I replayed the entire deal 1000x in my head and can’t see what I missed… but I missed something. I can be be a punching bag / sounding board and eat it. But there is a line. And if it gets crossed into threats, false accusations, and possible violence. You’ve crossed it.

I know a very small number of agents who would offer to try and cover it out of their pocket. But I was doing so out of good faith. My good faith had ran out at that point.

I informed Gus that I was going to go make the report at CAPTA and let the authorities handle it. I thought it best to remove myself from that situation and let them deal with it.

In an attempt to intimidate me starts sending texts to coworkers of mine that are wildly inaccurate. Claiming that I told him to “hire a lawyer and deal with the authorities”

He also claims I would not meet with him. We had a time set to meet late morning today. Again, I thought we set that meeting in good faith to try resolve this. But first thing this morning I started receiving texts that he was not only texting co-workers. He was harassing and threatening them to give him information – or he would “include their name in their review” when they clearly had no idea what this was even about.

I have had people close to me be affected by bullying and I will not stand for it. Nor will I apologize for standing up to it.

The conversation in it’s entirety is below…. you be the judge:

11/18/24, 3:21 PM – Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them. Tap to learn more.

11/18/24, 3:21 PM –
11/18/24, 3:20 PM – Gus (Client):

11/18/24, 5:29 PM – Frazier Lee: Hey Gus! I want to say you are on the right side from this angle / looking towards the malecon you’d be on the left.

11/18/24, 5:39 PM – Gus (Client): I guess we will find out soon 😁. Fernando is a great host but it’s a little “rustic’. Very Mexican hood, chickens, roosters, Chihuahua’s and rats 🤣

11/18/24, 6:05 PM – Frazier Lee: That’s almost anywhere here tho… I once saw a chicken tied to lightpost with a bowl of water ….in the middle of Centro. I just don’t ask questions anymore 🤣

11/20/24, 12:15 PM – Gus (Client): We are just heading to Fishermans . Drop by if u r around

11/20/24, 12:35 PM – Frazier Lee: Shoot! I need to be up in Cerritos in an hour so I can’t make it today :/

Let’s try and plan one day next week maybe?


11/20/24, 12:44 PM – Gus (Client): No worries
We never make plans

11/26/24, 11:33 AM – Gus (Client): Hi Frazier, I hope u r having a great day 😁
What time do u want to meet up on Sunday?

11/26/24, 3:40 PM – Frazier Lee: Hey Gus! Usually check in is at 4. So that is what I would expect. Especially because they had people checking out that morning.

11/26/24, 3:41 PM – Gus (Client): Ok, do U want to meet there at 4pm?

11/26/24, 4:12 PM – Frazier Lee: that sounds like a plan
11/26/24, 4:12 PM – Frazier Lee: I will see if maybe we can do 3 if that’s better – but … let’s plan for 4!

11/26/24, 4:12 PM – Gus (Client): Sounds good 😁
12/1/24, 9:18 AM – Gus (Client): Buenos dias 😁

12/1/24, 9:48 AM – Frazier Lee: Buenos dias. I was just grabbing my phone to text you. I had to be at the marathon this morning and didn’t see the time. I need to give you a call. Getting a little nervous .. I have not heard from the listing agent since Monday. My phone is just about to die but I should be home in 45 min or so.

12/1/24, 9:50 AM – Gus (Client): Who has my deposit?
12/1/24, 10:02 AM – Gus (Client): I can meet you at your office.

12/1/24, 10:58 AM – Frazier Lee: I’m not trying to worry you unnecessarily. Things are done a little different here than I’m used to back home.

This certainly wouldn’t be the first time I’m freaking out a little in the morning only to get a call at 2 saying “sorry dude I was out late last night – we don’t have to be there til 4 right?”

I had done 2 deals with this guy before without a hitch… But at the same time wanted to make you aware. Just in case.

I’m on my way home now. Sorry I had made this commitment a long time ago. My ex wife (still good friends) was running her 1st and asked me to be around and take pics.

Give me 10min when I get home to throw a little charge on my phone and I will call you.

12/1/24, 10:59 AM – Gus (Client): Who is the other agent?

12/1/24, 11:00 AM – Frazier Lee: Supposedly the owner. That’s protocol.

But if something happens I mean I’ll take the hook for it absolutely. That’s my marketing “hire us so we can vet the place for you and you don’t get screwed”

Never had it happen before, hoping it doesn’t come to that…. but I’ll be on the hook.

12/1/24, 11:01 AM – Gus (Client): Ok, it’s just we need to move today and I do know how things work here. A reason I don’t work with Caligula anymore but it is concerning U haven’t been able to reach them in a week. Call me when U can.

12/1/24, 11:08 AM – Frazier Lee: I know. And that was my thought. And my fault I hadn’t really even pushed sooner. Thursday was Thanksgiving and we had people here. Friday I had a ton of appointments from being out a day and a half and the Saturday after Thanksgiving is a huge college football game I always have a few people over for. So I’ve been a little distracted and normally don’t worry about a check in except for trying to estimate arrival time from a flight. You guys were here.

12/1/24, 12:12 PM – Gus (Client):
12/1/24, 1:30 PM – Gus (Client): This is not as nice as the place we have/had booked but anothert option. We leave May 24:
12/1/24, 1:30 PM – Gus (Client):

12/1/24, 1:49 PM – Frazier Lee: I had a friend run there. Talked to security…

Did not know the agent… That’s not a shock. The owner would call with that info.

But security said the condo had been rented awhile ago. Again. I don’t really know the security and how in tune they are at Gavias.

Here at Paradise Bay security they do have a good idea

12/1/24, 1:50 PM – Frazier Lee: I wouldn’t say that’s definitive. But I really don’t feel good right now.

12/1/24, 1:50 PM – Gus (Client): We need to find somewhere to live for the next 6 months….
12/1/24, 1:50 PM – Gus (Client): I need a plan
12/1/24, 1:52 PM – Gus (Client): What’s available?
12/1/24, 1:53 PM – Gus (Client): Have U tried contacting the owner, the one listed on the contract?

12/1/24, 1:58 PM – Frazier Lee: I am seeing what else is on the malecon comparable. I know 3 available for year lease I got ahold of 2 of the agents to see if there was any way they’d do 6 months

12/1/24, 2:00 PM – Gus (Client): The 1st one I sent was in the same building, 2nd floor, but a little cheaper. The 2nd one is ok, furniture looks like garbage and then the 3rd one I sent.

12/1/24, 2:03 PM – Frazier Lee: I know. I am working everything I know.

12/1/24, 2:04 PM – Gus (Client): Is this the agent:

12/1/24, 2:11 PM – Frazier Lee: And I’m really sorry. I was caught completely off guard. And I’m scrambling a bit to get caught up
12/1/24, 2:12 PM – Frazier Lee: No. I don’t know who that is.
12/1/24, 2:16 PM – Frazier Lee: Neither answered the phone and I had never heard of GM Homes. I just asked my ex wife – she knows them. They are legit but do not update their properties on IM24 so most are not available.

The first one at Gavias with Harmony Places – neither of us knew.

12/1/24, 2:18 PM – Frazier Lee: I am pretty sure I have an option at Sunsetview for 6 months. But that building is expensive

12/1/24, 2:19 PM – Gus (Client): It seems the first warning was last Monday. Now we are scrambling to find something. The reason I booked in June was not to have this issue.
12/1/24, 2:19 PM – Gus (Client): I want what the cntract started. I do not want to pay anymore $$$.
12/1/24, 2:19 PM – Gus (Client): If U cannot help then I want my deposit back today.
12/1/24, 2:20 PM – Gus (Client): Sunset view looks smaller
12/1/24, 2:20 PM – Gus (Client): Does Caligula have anything?

12/1/24, 2:21 PM – Frazier Lee: Certainly. But that is not uncommon to not get a call back for a few days if you’re only calling to confirm a check in time.

12/1/24, 2:28 PM – Frazier Lee: The call went through, the text went through.

They did not last night. That is what gave me pause. But again. I have no idea what happened. Did the guy take off with the money? Was he in a moto accident? Mom got sick and in the hospital?

I really don’t know. If it’s one of the later of those…. Then what do you do? And I apologize I don’t have a contingency plan for that.

I am scrambling and making calls to the agents I know work this area regularly.

12/1/24, 2:29 PM – Gus (Client): I appreciate you doing what you can but now we are scrambling to find a place to live.

12/1/24, 2:31 PM – Frazier Lee: And I completely understand this is why you would book ahead. I believed everything had been settled. On the face it was like every other deal I have ever done. I was not worried. I had worked with him in the past. No problems what so ever.

12/1/24, 2:31 PM – Gus (Client): Anyways….we need a place to live today.
12/1/24, 2:31 PM – Gus (Client): If U cannot help then I need the deposit so I can hopefully put it on something else.

12/1/24, 2:43 PM – Frazier Lee:

This guy owes me a favor. I am pretty sure he would do $32,000 and 6 months.

It is 4 bedrooms technically. But the 4th bedroom is really small.

It’s a nice place. But central ac so it doesn’t get as cold as a mini split would. For me (and I run hot) it’s more than enough for winter but i don’t know if I could summer.

12/1/24, 2:44 PM – Frazier Lee: I just spoke to the listing agent there. There was someone else who went to see it yesterday but has not given any word or made an offer so it is available.

12/1/24, 2:47 PM – Gus (Client): One of the issues at our last place was constant construction noise. It’s also well over our budget. Where is the unit compared to the construction next door?
12/1/24, 2:48 PM – Gus (Client): Is it noisy?
12/1/24, 2:49 PM – Gus (Client): This message was deleted
12/1/24, 2:50 PM – Gus (Client): I can see it’s right next door to the construction and a very low floor.
12/1/24, 2:51 PM – Gus (Client): Sorry, that won’t work.
12/1/24, 2:52 PM – Gus (Client): “*Access to pool may be restricted for several month due to construction

12/1/24, 2:55 PM – Frazier Lee: Yes it is right next door to the construction. From inside the condo you can not hear it. On the balcony you can. It’s not overpowering, but it’s certainly there.

The pool is open now – that was from June – the hoa made the construction site out of nets to catch most of the styrofoam that was falling in the pool.

12/1/24, 2:56 PM – Frazier Lee: Ok

12/1/24, 2:58 PM – Gus (Client): It doesn’t make sence to pay more $ for an inferior product but at this point we seem a little screwed.
12/1/24, 2:59 PM – Gus (Client): Does Angelica Quijas have anything?

12/1/24, 3:00 PM – Gus (Client): We have to be in that area because other family members have already booked for Christmas.
12/1/24, 3:08 PM – Frazier Lee: I know and that one was a good price. There is one at Centro tower for $30 I just need to see if they’d do 6 months.
12/1/24, 3:12 PM – Frazier Lee: I’m sorry I do not know her.

12/1/24, 4:08 PM – Gus (Client): I am trying to look at a place today but I will need my deposit.
12/1/24, 4:30 PM – Gus (Client): null
12/1/24, 5:01 PM – Gus (Client): What was the suite # at Govias?
12/1/24, 6:11 PM – Gus (Client): null
12/1/24, 6:12 PM – Gus (Client): We found a place. I need to be 100% sure we lost the place. I need to make a deposit tomorrow
12/1/24, 6:42 PM – Gus (Client): The only reason I didn’t sign a contract yet is I want to make sure I am not still committed to the first one. Please let me know asap.

12/1/24, 8:45 PM – Frazier Lee: At this point, no matter if this guy took the money and ran or is laid up in a hospital – you will not be obligated to anything there. I will make sure of that.

I have not had any success being able to get ahold of him. There was only 1 other agent I know well who had done a deal with him. Their calls also going to straight to voicemail.

I will get your cash as soon as I can but please give me a couple days. Really I don’t make terribly much in real estate here and still most of my income comes from my marketing company in the US. I already hit my transfer limit for this week because my rent was due last week. I will do that that first thing tomorrow morning and get it to you as soon as I can.

12/1/24, 8:46 PM – Gus (Client): Ok, I appreciate that. All you can do is your best. Talk to you tomorrow. Thanks

12/1/24, 8:48 PM – Frazier Lee: Where is the place you found? I have a ton of calls in. I also expect tomorrow morning to have a lot more action as Sunday a lot of people are not working or owners do not respond

12/1/24, 8:49 PM – Gus (Client): It’s in the same building.

12/1/24, 9:27 PM – Frazier Lee: Ok. I don’t have anything else there. That’s actually a building I don’t do terribly much in. I have 1 other condo there but the owner wants $2200 usd / mo. Year lease and won’t budge because he doesn’t need the money and his last tenant paid it.

12/2/24, 9:58 AM – Gus (Client): I put a deposit and 1st months rent on a place. Please let me know when I can get my deposit back since I had to pull $ from my Visa for the new deposit. I wanted to let you know I do not plan to write a negative review or tarnish your reputation online. I was a Realtor for 12 years and I had a colleague who was unfairly reviewed online and I witnessed what it did to their business. I hope you have a good day.

12/2/24, 11:17 AM – Frazier Lee: Ok great I’m glad you got something secured I have been striking out all morning. I already initiated the transfer and will get it to you as soon as it hits. Hopefully I can track this guy down and be able to recover it.

Certainly something I need and I think a lot of us here need to consider in the future. I do a lot of deals with the same listing agents. Of course they do not share the owners contact info and I trust the guys I have 5,6,10 outstanding reservations. Don’t think any would run off…. but what happens if they have an accident. Something I had given a little thought to in the past but it’s definitely smacking me in the face now.

And I definitely appreciate that. If he did take off I wish I would have picked up on something sooner. I usually have a pretty good sense if something doesn’t smell right and never got that.

And I apologize, if there was 1 day to not have something happen it was yesterday. Hosting 2 get togethers in 3 days and up at 4am yesterday for the marathon. I was caught off guard and completely off my game.

Will be in touch shortly. Usually wise is 3-4 days & I’ll run the cash down to you at Gavias (assuming you took the place there).

12/2/24, 11:21 AM – Gus (Client): I really hope you get your $ back. I retired from real estate and just manage some rentals now but renters can be such a pain. So much stress but it’s better in Mazatlan 🙂

12/2/24, 11:54 AM – Frazier Lee: I mean taking the hit hurts but also you want to think the good in people. Trying to keep negative thoughts out for now in case something happened 🙏 but I def owe you guys lunch one day soon soon as well!

12/3/24, 8:00 AM – Gus (Client): I had a bunch of issues transferring my new rent and deposit. I spent all day yesterday working on it. Long story but Remitly never delivered the funds and I finally canceled this morning. I had to borrow some of that $ since I didn’t have an extra $2K for another deposit. Remitly told me once I canceled it might take up to 2 days to get my $$$ back so I had to borrow another $4K to pay my rent and new deposit. Once I canceled the Remitly I was told it could take up to 10 days to get my $$$ back. I had to borrow about $6K so we had a place so I would likie to get my deposit back today.

12/3/24, 9:34 AM – Gus (Client): null

12/3/24, 9:36 AM – Frazier Lee: Call you back in 5
12/3/24, 9:58 AM – Frazier Lee: I’m not sure if that was you or me that dropped I tried calling back but no answer

12/3/24, 9:59 AM – Gus (Client): null

12/3/24, 11:15 AM – Frazier Lee:

12/3/24, 11:19 AM – Frazier Lee: Between you and I so you have a little bit of a position of strength. This would not be the first time they (atleast the agent) will have dealt with something happening with a transfer. Clients use Remitly or Wise to send the deposit and at home there’s no issues. Expecting to do the same when they arrive.

They arrive and their online banking recognizes a foreign IP address and kicks the transaction to security.

12/3/24, 11:34 AM – Gus (Client): Thanks, still working on the issue.
12/6/24, 8:36 AM – Gus (Client): When can I get my deposit back?
12/6/24, 9:30 AM – Gus (Client): null

12/6/24, 10:13 AM – Frazier Lee: Gus, it has not hit my account yet. According to the bank it is supposed to arrive today. I checked first thing this morning and just checked again. It has not arrived.

12/6/24, 10:13 AM – Gus (Client): Ok, thanks for keeping me up to date… How are you going to get it to me?

12/6/24, 10:14 AM – Frazier Lee: I was assuming you wanted cash?

12/6/24, 10:14 AM – Gus (Client): Sure

12/6/24, 10:15 AM – Frazier Lee: Or if you have a Mexican account? International transfer would take another few days I would guess.

12/6/24, 10:15 AM – Gus (Client): I don’t have a Mexican account. Please let me know ASAP.

12/6/24, 10:27 AM – Frazier Lee: Yes I will. As soon as it arrives I will text you . It’s still showing as pending when I check the transfer status. I tried to take a screenshot but my app doesn’t allow them – just turns up black
12/6/24, 3:42 PM – Frazier Lee: Hey Gus, have checked a few times throughout the day. Still not has hit.

Really, not that abnormal almost always international transfers get here a day, 2, 3 after they say.

Sometimes a day early.

I know you had some issues as well. It’s a pain. You would think in 2024 we could get it figured out. But I will keep checking but usually if it’s not here this late in the afternoon it wouldn’t be until 1st think tomorrow

12/6/24, 3:49 PM – Gus (Client): You think it will come tomorrow and you can get me pesos?

12/6/24, 3:55 PM – Frazier Lee: If I had to bet I would say yes. But could be Monday. I started using my banks own transfer instead of Wise or Remitly because it always seemed to get delayed with them.

I will check the status later. Once it switches from pending to confirmed it’s usually there the following day.

12/6/24, 3:57 PM – Gus (Client): It was a huge hassle for me to secure the new place, borrowed the deposit, sent by Rinitly and than Wise but it didn’t take 5 days. I will feel better once I have my money back.

12/6/24, 4:48 PM – Frazier Lee: Yes it’s been hard lately. For the last 2 months or so everything involving transfers has been more difficult and taking longer. Wires, wise, Remitly it doesn’t seem to matter….

I highly suspect what is going on in Culiacan/ Sinaloa somehow triggered increased security. I haven’t seen or read that anywhere but i have had issues now that we’ve never had. I had a client’s bank last week refuse to send a wire even when he was standing with the manager and told him he had rented with us 2 other times in the past.

12/7/24, 8:46 AM – Frazier Lee: Gus, good morning. Did not arrive, no change in status. I will call just to see if they can give any more information but when I have in the past – customer service will only pass me to that department to initiate a trace after it’s been 10 business days.

Will update you after I talk to them.

12/9/24, 8:30 AM – Gus (Client): What’s the latest update?

12/9/24, 9:37 AM – Frazier Lee: Showing the same. I got disconnected when I called Saturday but before the call droped she was trying to explain how a swift transfer needs 3 different banks on the network to confirm the transaction and if there is a delay it is usually because of that and why they won’t do a trace immediately. But I will call again, just give me a min I need to call from my laptop / google voice number and our wifi is down.

12/9/24, 9:39 AM – Gus (Client): I want my $ today!
12/9/24, 9:46 AM – Frazier Lee: I am working on it. But it has not hit my account
12/9/24, 9:47 AM – Gus (Client): U should have paid the $ and used Remitly or Wise.

12/9/24, 9:50 AM – Frazier Lee: I don’t understand what you mean. If I had the money here I would have. But wise takes two weeks for me using the most expensive option so that wouldn’t have gone quicker.

12/9/24, 9:51 AM – Gus (Client): Wise does not take 3 weeks. It took just over 24 hours. If U R not giving me my money back let me know otherwise I will contact a lawyer here and be posting reviews.

12/9/24, 9:51 AM – Frazier Lee: For you.
12/9/24, 9:52 AM – Frazier Lee: For me. It has always been extremely long. I have no idea why. Even when I go to initiate it it tells me it will be a week.

12/9/24, 9:52 AM – Gus (Client): I don’t really care. U had my $ since June. I want to get paid out today. I am tired of excuses.

12/9/24, 9:53 AM – Frazier Lee: I have it where clients sometimes it arrives instantaneously. Sometimes 2 days. But I’ve had it take 3 weeks before (Wise).

12/9/24, 9:54 AM – Gus (Client): I don’t really care. I want my $ today.
12/9/24, 9:58 AM – Gus (Client):
12/9/24, 9:58 AM – Gus (Client):

12/9/24, 10:00 AM – Gus (Client): Credit card also says 20 minutes

12/9/24, 10:04 AM – Frazier Lee:

12/9/24, 10:06 AM – Gus (Client): What I sent U was from Remitly so U have that option to get me my money today.

12/9/24, 10:06 AM – Frazier Lee: It’s the same with Remitly. I’ve used both many times. I don’t know if it’s security at my bank using a 3rd party or what but it is always delayed with them.

12/9/24, 10:06 AM – Gus (Client): Figure out a way. I am tired of waiting.
12/9/24, 10:07 AM – Gus (Client): It says 3 working days but U choose the 5 day transfer from your bank which is now 7 days.

12/9/24, 10:07 AM – Frazier Lee:
12/9/24, 10:12 AM – Frazier Lee: No I have always chose the fastest option on both. I think for me that’s ACH or credit card.
12/9/24, 10:15 AM – Frazier Lee: You deleted this message
12/9/24, 10:17 AM – Frazier Lee: That transfer with Remitly I set up on Aug 26th, supposed to be here Aug 30th. Was delayed with Remitly and didn’t arrive until September 5th.

12/9/24, 10:24 AM – Gus (Client): Just figure out a way to get me money today

12/9/24, 10:31 AM – Frazier Lee: I have never had to deal with anything this before – but other agents who have…. print out communication they had with that agent take it to CAPTA – file a report and let them handle it from there.

If you want to call a lawyer and go that route instead, We can do that. I will print out everything I have, take it down; and get a report and send it to you or your lawyer and let them go after this guy.

12/9/24, 10:32 AM – Gus (Client): I gave U the deposit. I said if U R not going to pay me then I will contact a Lawyer. My contract is with you.
12/9/24, 10:33 AM – Gus (Client): Just get me my $ today and we are good. I am tired of the BS

12/9/24, 11:08 AM – Frazier Lee: Let me see what I can do after talk to the bank and we’ll go from there. I understand you are pissed and frustrated…. So am I.

Yes, you sent me the deposit – but I then gave it to the listing agent / owner. That is standard and the only way an owner will book the condo. I am sure I mentioned that to you. So I also got took, and that is also really really not a good look for me and more than a financial loss.

12/9/24, 11:10 AM – Gus (Client): If I gave U $2K and U got robbed that is not your clients responsibility. I am pissed off about everything but until I have my $ back I feel like I am being scammed.

12/9/24, 11:29 AM – Frazier Lee: I get that – completely…. and I would be just as pissed sitting in your shoes. Let me see what I can do with the bank, hopefully they can at least give me a clear answer.

12/9/24, 12:53 PM – Gus (Client):

12/9/24, 12:54 PM – Frazier Lee: You need a new pump or…?

12/9/24, 12:55 PM – Gus (Client): No, sorry, wrong person

12/9/24, 3:36 PM – Frazier Lee: Just spoke to customer service. They did not see anything abnormal on the transaction but she put in a ticket and someone from the department that handles intl wires is supposed to call back this afternoon

12/9/24, 3:38 PM – Gus (Client): Thanks

12/10/24, 9:01 AM – Frazier Lee: Never received a call back. Called again this morning – they said the ticket is still open and I’m still in the queue, someone should be calling me back shortly.

Asked what reason it could be delayed by 2 days – most common fraud mitigation & incorrect receiving bank information. I have my account information saved and have used them several times so I’m sure all the information is correct.

Will update you when I hear back.

12/10/24, 9:30 AM – Gus (Client): Thanks

12/10/24, 6:35 PM – Frazier Lee: Spoke to the guy in their wire department twice. He said there is nothing on their end that would hold it up. Looks like it’s my bank here. Either they haven’t processed it, rejecting for something suspicious or something was incorrect.

He put in a request with Scotia. Said he should get an answer by noon tomorrow

12/10/24, 6:36 PM – Gus (Client): Thanks for the update

12/11/24, 12:44 PM – Frazier Lee: Ok so yes it looks my account here put a fraud hold on it likely because it’s the 3rd time I’ve tried to make a transfer in a short time. But they had not sent anything to the US bank yet which is why it wasn’t showing in their system.

We requested that to get done ASAP and I need to fill out a form and send a copy of my DL or passport – and it should get released.

12/13/24, 9:35 AM – Gus (Client): When is the $ being released?
12/13/24, 9:43 AM – Gus (Client): null
12/13/24, 9:44 AM – Gus (Client): Call me when you get this message

12/13/24, 10:30 AM – Frazier Lee: Give you a call in a min. I gave you the last update o had the other day. As you know banks were closed here yesterday so nothing was happening yesterday

12/13/24, 10:46 AM – Gus (Client): null
12/13/24, 11:12 AM – Gus (Client): null

12/13/24, 11:31 AM – Gus (Client): The last update was you needed to send a copy of your ID. You said you would call me an hour ago. Now I can’t reach you…

12/13/24, 1:09 PM – Frazier Lee: Gus,

I’m sorry I was in the middle of something this morning and couldn’t return your call right away. I just got home, fed my dog really quick and then hit the bathroom. I have never ducked you or lost contact. I know the other day you called Cali after I didn’t get back with you in 20 min. And this morning I was tied up.

I have tried to make this right with you in good faith but I can not control an international transfer or which holiday’s banks close for. You have had your own issues with them as well so I think you understand.

But If I can’t answer you right away or something gets messed up that is out of my control is cause for you to call your lawyer – I think we are just at that point now…. I didn’t take your money, and I think you probably know that. I know you are pissed. So am I. I am livid that I worked hard to build a reputation and someone leaves me with the bag to hold. So I have no problem going to whoever I need to clear my name as best as possible and get your money back.

Think it’s just time to get CAPTA involved and let them deal with it. I have a friend who knows someone that works there and just asked what I needed to make a report. I will get that info together and take it to them tomorrow or Monday. Please forward me your attorney’s contact and I will send a copy there.

12/13/24, 1:10 PM – Gus (Client): null

12/13/24, 1:15 PM – Gus (Client): You told me you would pay me back. The money was sent to you, no one else. This has nothing to do with CAPTA and you are the one that owes me $$$. You should have just told me 2 weeks ago you were going to fuck me over. I just went to your “office” and it does not exist. Since you refuse to take responsibility for your mistake I will be contacting XXXX and every other property manager and real estate company I worked with in the past, including EXP. I will be posting reviews online and every Mazatlan group there is. I think it’s best you find another career anyways.

12/13/24, 1:30 PM – Frazier Lee: Gus, I understand – and I will own it. I got fucked over and I didn’t see it.

I have replayed it in my brain 1000x to see where I missed something. I told you I had rented with him before. No issues. And I still don’t know what I missed – but… obviously something. And I own that for sure. But unfortunately it can happen to anyone.

I didn’t “fuck you over” which is exactly why I want to just take this to the authorities. We both know I I didn’t take your money and I have all the documentation that shows that. I would much rather file a report with the people who can do actually do something…. than be accused of screwing you over because I couldn’t call you back in 20 min.

12/13/24, 1:34 PM – Gus (Client): You already told me you would take responsibility and pay me back. I have a receipt when I sent YOU 28,500 pesos. You keep telling me you are going to pay me back and delay after delay. This has nothing to do with waiting 20 minutes. You have now told me to get a Lawyer so at this point there is not reason to hold off on my reviews. This is what I sent XXXXX:

12/13/24, 1:35 PM – Gus (Client): Hola XXXXXXX, quería informarte que publicaré muchas críticas muy negativas sobre Frazier Lee y MZT Real Estate. Firmé un contrato y le mandé un depósito, 28.500 pesos allá por junio. Se suponía que nos mudaríamos el domingo 1 de diciembre, pero Frazier afirma que no pudo comunicarse con el otro agente y que tuvimos que buscar un nuevo alquiler. Fraizier prometió devolverme el depósito, pero después de 2 semanas me dijo que me comunicara con un abogado y con CAPTA. Es, con diferencia, el agente inmobiliario/administrador de propiedades menos profesional con el que he tratado.
Quería informarle antes de publicar mis reseñas, ya que usted figura en su sitio web y puede afectar el hecho de que su negocio esté asociado con él.

12/13/24, 1:36 PM – Frazier Lee: That is inaccurate Gus. You told me you were going to hire a lawyer

12/13/24, 1:36 PM – Gus (Client): I know you are firends but I will be emailing, messaging and posting reviews everywhere.

12/13/24, 1:36 PM – Frazier Lee: I didn’t tell you to hire one. I said I am going to go report it to the authorities.

12/13/24, 1:36 PM – Gus (Client): I did not. Read what I fucking said.

12/13/24, 1:36 PM – Gus (Client): I want money today

12/13/24, 1:37 PM – Frazier Lee: yes. you told me you would be contacting an attorney

12/13/24, 1:37 PM – Gus (Client): “If U R not giving me my money back….
12/13/24, 1:37 PM – Gus (Client): IF U R NOT….
12/13/24, 1:37 PM – Gus (Client): That is not hiring a lawyer

12/13/24, 1:38 PM – Gus (Client): “Think it’s just time to get CAPTA involved and let them deal with it. I have a friend who knows someone that works there and just asked what I needed to make a report. I will get that info together and take it to them tomorrow or Monday. Please forward me your attorney’s contact and I will send a copy there.

12/13/24, 1:38 PM – Frazier Lee: just please do not lie – that is all i ask of you. I believe you that you believe I didn’t steal from you – to say so is saying something you knewo to be false.

12/13/24, 1:40 PM – Frazier Lee: yes and I was unable to get you your money that day…. So you contacted a lawyer, correct? That is what you told me you were going to do. So when I asked for your attorney’s contact info to get him the report – I assumed you had.

12/13/24, 1:46 PM – Gus (Client): null

12/13/24, 1:49 PM – Gus (Client): I am trying to call you because there is a lack of communication. All I get from U is excesses and BS. I do not need to lie. So now you are saying because I mentioned a Lawyer you will not repay me? The $ was sent to you, you are responsible. You even said that you would take responsibility. You refuse to take calls and discuss this with me or meet me in person so I am left with no choice.

12/13/24, 2:07 PM – Frazier Lee: I can not answer a call on my laptop. My phone is on the charger.

The statements you have made are all inaccurate Gus…

When did I refuse to talk to you on the phone?

When did you ask to see me in person to discuss this?

I did not tell you to hire a lawyer and call capta. You threatened me with legal action, I was just agreeing that yes, let’s do that. Because I know I can show the paper trail.

12/13/24, 2:08 PM – Gus (Client): When and where would U like to meet?
12/13/24, 2:09 PM – Gus (Client): U mentioned your bank here is Scotiabank?

12/13/24, 2:09 PM – Frazier Lee: correct

12/13/24, 2:09 PM – Gus (Client): Ok, let’s meet there now

12/13/24, 2:09 PM – Frazier Lee: I can not go right now. But what would you like to accomplish there?

12/13/24, 2:10 PM – Gus (Client): U can give me the $ U promised to pay me.

12/13/24, 2:10 PM – Frazier Lee: and when there is no money in that account like I have been telling you?

12/13/24, 2:10 PM – Gus (Client): U R that broke? U have no $ to give me?

12/13/24, 2:11 PM – Frazier Lee: i do not have that much money here – correct.

12/13/24, 2:11 PM – Gus (Client): This is why everything sounds like BS. We have talked amny times since I mentioned a Lawyer.

12/13/24, 2:11 PM – Gus (Client): Ok, give me what U can, in good faith because all I hear now is excuses.

12/13/24, 2:11 PM – Frazier Lee: and I have kept you updated – correct?

12/13/24, 2:12 PM – Gus (Client): U tell me U R not going to pay me now because I mention a Lawyer and I talked to XXXXX?
12/13/24, 2:12 PM – Gus (Client): No
12/13/24, 2:12 PM – Gus (Client): Let’s meet and talk in person

12/13/24, 2:12 PM – Frazier Lee: No. I am telling you I am going to call the authorities because I didn’t steal your money and I have proof of that.

12/13/24, 2:12 PM – Gus (Client): I tried calling many times today and the last time it was declined.

12/13/24, 2:13 PM – Gus (Client): I sent the $$$ to U. We have been through this before. If I send U $ and U get robbed that is not my issue.

12/13/24, 2:14 PM – Gus (Client): I can make calls from my computer and talk on Whatsapp. I offered to meet up so now U R threatening to call the authorities on me and refuse to meet up. I will not lie in my reviews. There is no need. U keep digging a bigger hole.

12/13/24, 2:14 PM – Frazier Lee: do you have the whatsapp for windows app or use whatsapp in the browser?
12/13/24, 2:14 PM – Frazier Lee: you can make calls in the app- not the browser

12/13/24, 2:15 PM – Gus (Client): It’s irrelevant. I am on a Mac
12/13/24, 2:15 PM – Gus (Client): Where would U like to meet?
12/13/24, 2:16 PM – Gus (Client): I tried going to your office but they don’t know who U R

12/13/24, 2:16 PM – Frazier Lee: it is relevant. Because on the app you can make calls and in the browser you can not. I updated windows a week ago and several apps have bugged out on me and will not open.

12/13/24, 2:17 PM – Gus (Client): Then use your phone. U can use it while it’s charging
12/13/24, 2:17 PM – Frazier Lee:

12/13/24, 2:18 PM – Gus (Client): Anyways, let’s meet up or U refusing to meet in person?

12/13/24, 2:18 PM – Frazier Lee: I am not refusing to meet up with you.

12/13/24, 2:19 PM – Gus (Client): Ok, when and where?

12/13/24, 2:20 PM – Gus (Client): We need to get a few things straightened out since there is a lack of communication.

12/13/24, 2:24 PM – Frazier Lee: I’m not sure where there is a lack of communication. I understand you are frustrated if I can not call you back immediately. But I have never not called you back or returned a text.

12/13/24, 2:25 PM – Frazier Lee: But sure we can meet up here if you’d like – tomorrow morning at 11?

12/13/24, 2:26 PM – Gus (Client): And maybe because I sent U $2K back in June and it’s now over 2 weeks when U promised to give me my money back? Like maybe that could be the reason or that we had to find a new place…
12/13/24, 2:26 PM – Gus (Client): Supposedly the owner. That’s protocol.

But if something happens I mean I’ll take the hook for it absolutely. That’s my marketing “hire us so we can vet the place for you and you don’t get screwed”

Never had it happen before, hoping it doesn’t come to that…. but I’ll be on the hook.

12/13/24, 2:26 PM – Gus (Client): Sure, what is the address?

12/13/24, 2:27 PM – Frazier Lee: For sure Gus, I was willing to spot it in good faith to you…. But that was in good faith, not because I was responsible for stealing it. .

12/13/24, 2:27 PM – Gus (Client): I never said U stole anything

12/13/24, 2:27 PM – Frazier Lee: You are certainly treating me like it.

12/13/24, 2:27 PM – Gus (Client): What I said B4 is if I give U $$$ and U get robbed that is on U. Just as U mention in the message above

12/13/24, 2:30 PM – Gus (Client): No, I am tired of all the excuses. I have been a property manager since I was 19 and a real estate agent for 12 years. This is not how to treat clients. You have a fiduciary duty to your clients. After I mentioned I would have to get a Lawyer last week, if I did not get my $ back U have kept me better updated. I never heard from you yesterday, I did know it was a holiday but the last thing U told me is U needed to send ID and the $ “should” be released. Did U provide ID?

12/13/24, 2:31 PM – Gus (Client): It would be easier to send the $ to my Canadian account.

12/13/24, 2:31 PM – Gus (Client): Scotiabank, the same bank I sent U the $

12/13/24, 2:32 PM – Frazier Lee: And that is why I said it is just time to get the authorities involved. You and I don’t need to fight. I understand you are pissed – like I said I am LIVID as well – so I understand and I am happy to be your punching bag… to a point. We’ve crossed that point

12/13/24, 2:32 PM – Gus (Client): Obviously getting my $$$ back from U is easier and cheaper than hiring a Lawyer. But now U seem to be back tracking and telling me to go after the guy U sent the $$$ to.

12/13/24, 2:33 PM – Gus (Client): That is not my fight. If U sent the $ to someone else.

12/13/24, 2:33 PM – Gus (Client): U said U would take responsibility and now U R telling my to hire a Lawyer and go after the guy U gave the $ to.

12/13/24, 2:34 PM – Frazier Lee: Yes Gus, I know. And I believe if you were in my shoes and doing your best and still getting threatened with legal action daily for something out of your control…. Where would your breaking point be?

12/13/24, 2:35 PM – Gus (Client): U tell me U have no $ to give me. That sounds like U R not taking responsibility. Which is Y I asked Y last week, if U are not going to pay me back then let me know and I will get a Lawyer and post reviews.

12/13/24, 2:35 PM – Frazier Lee: Where did I tell you to hire a lawyer Gus?

12/13/24, 2:35 PM – Gus (Client): U keep making this about U

12/13/24, 2:37 PM – Gus (Client): I said IF U were not going to pay me back I would hire a Lawyer. It’s been 2 weeks and have not givien me anything. If I was the agent I would have made this right 2 weeks ago. If I didn’t have all the funds I would go to Scotiabank and pull it off my Visa or send the $ via Remitly with my Visa to Soriana but 2 weeks later I have nothing.

12/13/24, 2:37 PM – Frazier Lee: You told me you were going to hire one. I said I was going to go to CAPTA and send a copy to your lawyer – because I assumed you hired one like you told me.

12/13/24, 2:38 PM – Gus (Client): For the 5th time I told U I would if U were not going to pay me back. That was last week.
12/13/24, 2:38 PM – Gus (Client): Did U send the bank id?
12/13/24, 2:38 PM – Gus (Client): That just sounds like an excuse to not pay me back.
12/13/24, 2:39 PM – Gus (Client): Where am I meeting U tomorrow?
12/13/24, 2:40 PM – Gus (Client): Legally I cannot even go after the guy U dealt with. I never sent him any $$$, it was sent to you and U have already put in writting you would pay me back. Then U can go after the guy U gave the $$$ to.

12/13/24, 2:42 PM – Frazier Lee: not sure how? Gus, I am now trying to cover my own ass – that is true. Absolutely. But when you accusing me of ducking your calls after an hour – what am I supposed to do? The best thing to me is call the damn authorities. They have a lot more power than I do and removes me from the equation

12/13/24, 2:43 PM – Gus (Client): So now U R refusing to pay me back my deposit?

12/13/24, 2:43 PM – Frazier Lee: For sure. IF you hired an attorney they could come to me and I would give them everything I have and the reports from CAPTA. It would be a daisy chain – but yes I understand it starts with me.

12/13/24, 2:44 PM – Frazier Lee: I don’t have your deposit to pay you Gus. I sent it what I thought was the agent who was renting the property

12/13/24, 2:44 PM – Gus (Client): The $ was sent to U, the Lawyer will come after U. U can start to read my reviews tonight.
12/13/24, 2:45 PM – Gus (Client): That’s what I asked U last week. If U were not going to give my my deposit back then let me know. Now I know.\

12/13/24, 2:46 PM – Frazier Lee: Gus, I sent you confirmation i was trying to get money to you. But I told you I was paying you out of my own pocket as good faith – correct?

12/13/24, 2:46 PM – Gus (Client): So where is the $?

12/13/24, 2:46 PM – Frazier Lee: I sent you the confirmation I was trying to send it.
12/13/24, 2:46 PM – Frazier Lee: I initiated the transfer, correct?

12/13/24, 2:47 PM – Gus (Client): Now U R refusing to pay me so I have no choice. The last thing I want to do is hire a Lawyer and post negative reviews about U and MZT but U left me with no choice.
12/13/24, 2:48 PM – Gus (Client): Miguel will be in contact

12/13/24, 2:48 PM – Frazier Lee: I am sorry that the banks were closed yesterday and international transfers can get delayed. But I don’t have control over that./….. what I do have control over. Following up with them. Keeping you updated – I have done.

And still get accused of ducking you….
12/13/24, 2:48 PM – Frazier Lee: ok great
12/13/24, 2:49 PM – Frazier Lee: so you do not want to meet tomorrow morning then, just to be clear?

12/13/24, 2:49 PM – Gus (Client): Just to confirm you are refusing to pay me back the deposit I sent you?
12/13/24, 2:49 PM – Frazier Lee: I do not have the deposit. I sent it to the agent to secure the condo for you
12/13/24, 2:49 PM – Gus (Client): Yes, we can meet. What is the address?
12/13/24, 2:50 PM – Gus (Client): So you are not going to pay me back with the $ U told me was being sent?
12/13/24, 2:50 PM – Frazier Lee:
12/13/24, 2:51 PM – Gus (Client): I don’t know what the link is for

12/13/24, 2:51 PM – Frazier Lee: i have not received it Gus, I have not received the document i need to fill out from my bank – or I have and it is in my email which i have not checked
12/13/24, 2:52 PM – Frazier Lee: Av del Mar 1508, Telleria, 82017 Mazatlan, Sin.

12/13/24, 2:52 PM – Gus (Client): I went there today and they don’t know who you are.
12/13/24, 2:53 PM – Gus (Client): So since Wednesday U have not sent them id? U have not called to get the form?
12/13/24, 2:53 PM – Gus (Client): This is keeping your client up to date?

12/13/24, 2:53 PM – Frazier Lee: they probably tried to call up to ask me but…i was in the bathroom. i didn’t hear it

12/13/24, 2:54 PM – Gus (Client): What is the buzzer code?

12/13/24, 2:54 PM – Frazier Lee: the banks were cl
osed yesterday
12/13/24, 2:55 PM – Frazier Lee: there isn’t one
12/13/24, 2:55 PM – Gus (Client): I understand that but what about today?

12/13/24, 2:55 PM – Gus (Client): How do I get in the building?
12/13/24, 2:56 PM – Frazier Lee: i will come and let you in. or just ask security and they will buzz me. obviously if i know you are coming – i will be listening for the phone

12/13/24, 2:57 PM – Gus (Client): What is the apartment #?

12/13/24, 2:57 PM – Frazier Lee: Gus, the same reason I couldn’t call you back immediately. I was helping another agent out with something and then had a meeting with another client who was leaving for the airport this afternoon. Both of those were previously scheduled.

12/13/24, 2:59 PM – Gus (Client): I hear how U feel but how would U feel if you were me? Obviously my $2K isn’t a priority. I sent you $ back in June.

12/13/24, 2:59 PM – Gus (Client): Scotabank is only a few blocks away.

12/13/24, 2:59 PM – Gus (Client): U have #305 listed on your website

12/13/24, 3:06 PM – Frazier Lee: Again Gus, I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I sent it first thing the next morning. But from there I am not sure what you’d like me to do. Honestly if this a normal transfter I wouldn’t have even called. 3-5 days late is more or less normal. But I wanted to update you.

12/13/24, 3:07 PM – Gus (Client): Ok, but U just said U never sent the bank ID. I keep getting mixed messages from U. U tell me U will pay and then U tell me to go through CAPTA.

12/13/24, 3:09 PM – Gus (Client): If U never sent in the id then obviously things are still being held up but this am U told me there was nothing to update. I have wasted half my day talking to U but U still haven’t tried to update the bank.

12/13/24, 3:10 PM – Gus (Client): Is your phone charged yet?

12/13/24, 3:10 PM – Frazier Lee: correct. I told you the other day I need to get a form to fill out and send a copy of my ID. I have not done that.

I was referring to the transfer that I initiated on Monday morning

12/13/24, 3:10 PM – Gus (Client): null
12/13/24, 3:12 PM – Frazier Lee:
12/13/24, 3:12 PM – Frazier Lee: again. I can not answer or make calls on my laptop Gus

12/13/24, 3:13 PM – Gus (Client): Maybe U should download the app or use your phone? What is your suite #?

12/13/24, 3:13 PM – Frazier Lee: please read what i sent you earlier. I have the app downloaded

12/13/24, 3:15 PM – Frazier Lee: if you are familiar with windows and can tell me why half the apps on my computer won’t open after updating – i would love to know. Because it is certainly annoying.

12/13/24, 3:15 PM – Gus (Client): When I was at the building today they did not know who U R so how do I get them to call U?

12/13/24, 3:15 PM – Frazier Lee: I am gonna get going I have an appointment at 4 up in cerritos. I will see you tomorrow morning at 11?
12/13/24, 3:16 PM – Frazier Lee: they called. I was in the bathroom

12/13/24, 3:16 PM – Gus (Client): No, they didn’t call. They didn’t know who U were.

12/13/24, 3:16 PM – Frazier Lee: then how did they call me?

12/13/24, 3:17 PM – Gus (Client): I was at the office, he made no call and didn’t know U. If he had called U this would have been sorted hours ago.
12/13/24, 3:17 PM – Gus (Client): Your website says $305
12/13/24, 3:17 PM – Gus (Client): #305

12/13/24, 3:18 PM – Frazier Lee: They called. I have no idea what they told you…. but they definitely called me. When you mentioned it I called down and asked if I had someone here and they said yes we tried to call you.
12/13/24, 3:18 PM – Frazier Lee: again. that would be impossible. I have been here for 5 years now.

12/13/24, 3:18 PM – Gus (Client): I will come by at 11am and hopefully we can get this resolved for everyone.

12/13/24, 3:19 PM – Frazier Lee: sounds good – see you in the morning

12/14/24, 8:27 AM – Frazier Lee: Gus. Good morning. Please cancel our meeting this morning. I got the things CAPTA wants and I will go to file the report on Monday.

12/14/24, 8:28 AM – Gus (Client): I am not surprised. This is why I said last week let me know if you are not going to pay me. You can read my reviews later.

12/14/24, 8:29 AM – Gus (Client): They will be everywhere.

12/14/24, 8:35 AM – Frazier Lee: Gus, I’ve already had people reach out to me this morning man. It’s all good. But this is the reason why I am going this way. I was trying to help you. But I realized if I don’t call you back in 5 minutes you’re going to contact my friends and show up at my house. That’s harassment dude.

Like I said feel free to post whatever you’d like. I own it. I got screwed. I trusted someone I shouldn’t have. Completely on me.

But please don’t fabricate the facts. Because with every review I will be posting our entire conversation as a response.

I may have trusted someone I shouldn’t have – but I didn’t tell you to piss off and hire a lawyer or duck you or refuse to meet you. So we’ll let the facts speak.

12/14/24, 8:37 AM – Gus (Client): If you owned it you would keep your promise and pay me the money I sent you. You are full of shit. Giood luck wit real estate.

12/14/24, 8:45 AM – Frazier Lee: Like I said say what you need to as long as it’s accurate we won’t have an issue. But slander, harassment or showing up here to threaten me is not gonna fly.

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